Alternative data is the fuel.
Machine learning is the engine.
Differentiated strategies are the result.
We generate differentiated investment strategies
Asset managers today are seeking a new way to invest, one that combines human intellect, predictive alternative data, artificial intelligence-driven analysis and algorithmic trading execution.
A smart portfolio feed is a personalized model portfolio product which combines orthogonal datasets “handpicked” by a machine-learning classifier into an actionable and accessible investment offering.
In this webinar, we uncover the necessary steps to construct such a portfolio scientifically. We have also planned time for a Q&A session on anything machine learning, alternative data adoption and data science in finance.
Invest easy with Adaptive AI Investment Management.
Adaptive Artificial Intelligence Investment Management uses AI technologies and alternative data as an extension of an asset manager’s capabilities. It combines human intellect with algorithmic portfolio construction and optimization, leveraging real-time adoption to changes in market regime.
First, asset managers define their investment approach and objectives. Next, Neuravest automates their approach with code and defines a validation baseline. Subsequently, Neuravest improves on such baseline by incorporating algorithmic portfolio construction, asset allocation and automated trade execution, all predicated on multi-factor models. Our machine learning technology continuously adapts the strategy to ever-changing market conditions and empirical success.
Investment professionals are looking for technological innovations in order to create scientifically validated offerings. By deploying sophisticated alternative data validation combined with advanced Adaptive AI technology they too can differentiate themselves from the traditional passive or active investment.
Neuravest’s platform embodies years of experience and AI capabilities geared to efficiently bring compelling investment offerings to market. By combining multiple market-ready portfolios we can conform to any investment mandate while still aiming to achieve a performance boost and diversification.