Consumer Transactions

Consumer Transactions are "ground truth" data that reflect real consumer behavior

Consumer Transaction Data can provide broad insight into consumer spending patterns at the company, sector and macro level. The data is updated more frequently than official company data releases-offering data-savvy portfolio managers a potential information advantage.

Optimizing Investing
Using Consumer Transaction Data

The economic rationale underpinning the use of consumer transaction data is intuitive – as consumer spending represents a form of ground truth data.

What is 90 West Data?

We use 90 West Data to fuel our consumer transaction portfolios. 90 West Data is the world’s leading consumer transaction data company, learn more about them here.

How We Use It

Using 90 West’s consumer transaction data, Neuravest models have insight to trends for the entire reporting period just two days after the close of the quarter. This can be 2-6 weeks prior to the company’s formal earnings release.
90 West’s consumer transaction data may be a competitive advantage for Neuravest clients. Companies release quarterly earnings with a lag that can be up to six-weeks after the end of the quarter. 90 West’s millions of consumer transaction datapoints are refreshed daily and implemented in Neuravest’s models just two days after the transactions occur.

Monday = Consumer swipes card to make purchase
Wednesday = Neuravest implements fresh data into models

Turning Data Into Insights
And Insights Into Portfolios

Let Neuravest Tailor Consumer Transaction Portfolios to Your Values and Risk Mandate

Through our strategic data partnership with 90West, Neuravest licenses thematic portfolios to institutional investors seeking equity alpha. Neuravest can deliver a portfolio unique to your firm and risk mandate – optimizing for specific dynamics such as portfolio turnover and volatility constraints.

Neuravest's transactional portfolios allow asset managers and firms to compete with the largest asset managers in the business

These investments include multiple datasets, data scientists, quantitive analysts, databases and technology infrastructure.
Many asset management firms can do better by outsourcing the construction data driven portfolios rather than incur a significant drain on resources.

Asset Management Services

Our Objective is to Deliver a Strong Corporate Performance Portfolio With Above Market Returns While Maintaing a Market-Like Risk Profile


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