Corporate Performance Metrics

Non-traditional measures of company valuation can result in differentiated returns.  

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Meet our Featured Data Partner
Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS)

Who is ISS?

ISS is a leading provider of corporate governance and responsible investment solutions, market intelligence, fund services, events and editorial content for institutional investors and corporations, globally. EVA is an established standard in measuring, analyzing, projecting, valuing, and discounting a firm’s underlying economic profit rather than its accounting profit. With coverage of 21,000+ public companies, this solution enables investors to measure, analyze, and value corporate performance and inform investing decisions.

Neuravest ISS Partnership

Neuravest has partnered with Institutional Shareholder Services group of companies (“ISS”) to incorporate its EVA (Economic Value Add) into predictive portfolios. ISS is the world’s leading provider of corporate governance and responsible investment solutions alongside fund intelligence and services, events, and editorial content for institutional investors, globally. ISS’ solutions include objective governance research and recommendations; responsible investment data, analytics, and research. ISS corporate performance metrics can be used to construct portfolios that have the potential to outperform. 

Incorporating Non-Traditional Metrics on Traditional Data Can Yield Insights That Unlock Alpha.

EVA (Economic Value Add) is an established standard in measuring, analyzing, projecting, valuing, and discounting a firm’s underlying economic profit rather than its accounting profit. Superior to traditional measures of profit. EVA, for economic value added, is an estimate of a firm’s true economic profit. Rather than following traditional accounting conventions, EVA computes profit according to economic principles to better manage a business, measure its value and make peer comparisons.

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Wednesday = Neuravest implements fresh data into models

Benefits of EVA


Superior to Traditional Measures of profit

EVA cuts through accounting distortions and charges for the use of capital

Consistent Transparent Framework

Comparable across all companies,
industries, and countries of EVA


EVA Spread

EVA Spread = EVA/Capital

A Measure of Profitability


Leading Indicators​

EVA Metrics provide information that can be tied to future share price performance

Turning Data Into Insights
And Insights Into Portfolios

Let Neuravest Tailor Corporate Performance Portfolios to Your Values and Risk Mandate

Through our strategic data partnership with ISS EVA, Neuravest licenses thematic portfolios to institutional investors seeking equity alpha. Neuravest can deliver a portfolio unique to your firm and risk mandate – optimizing for specific dynamics such as portfolio turnover and volatility constraints.

Learn how Neuravest partners with ISS to deliver outperformance

Our Objective is to Deliver a Strong Corporate Performance Portfolio With Above Market Returns While Maintaing a Market-Like Risk Profile


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